
Visual Editor mit Eclipse 3.3

Wer wie ich Probleme hat den VisualEditor unter dem aktuellen 3.3er Eclipse zum Laufen zu bringen...
Hier ist die Lösung,
die bei mir geholfen hat.


Exchange Toshiba Bluetooth-Stack in Vista with Microsoft Stack to get ActiveSync / Mobile Device Center to work

ActiveSync or the new Vista "Mobile Device Center" does not seems to work with the Toshiba-Stack.
There are some aticles claiming it works if you change "HKEYLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\" -> "SerialPort" from "Bluetooth" to "COM7" and have COM7 in ControlCenter "Bluetooth Local COM" as "LocalCOM-Server[SerialPort]" but this did not do the trick for me.

What worked was, to:

1. uninstall the Toshiba-Stack (ControlPanel->Software->Remove)
2. wait a few seconds, an "unknown device" will pop up.
3. search in "c:\Windows" (or whatever your %SYSDRIVE% is)
4. wait quite a while for the list of drivers in c:\Windows to be build
5. Deselect "Show compatible hardware"
6. Select the "Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd." -> "Generic Bluetooth Radio" as described here (with screenshots.)


7. go to mobility-center and active "connection settings"->"bluetooth"
8. now pair your mobile device to the laptop (initiate on the pda, not the laptop. This seems to nake a difference.
In the list of services you will no longer see "A2DP-audio" or "serial port" as with Toshiba
but only "ActiveSync".
9. open ActiveSync on the PDA and select "synchronize over bluetooth".



Java Code-Coverage -Tools

Ich bin gerade mittels eines guten Vergleiches von Java-Code-Coverage -Werkzeugen in einem Blog auf 2 interessante Tools als Alternative zu Clover gestoßen:

  • Emma und

  • ECLemma - dessen Eclipse-Plugin

  • maven-jcoverage-plugin für Maven-Builds

Gute, einfache Werkzeuge für das tägliche Unit-Testen mit Prüfung der Code-Coverage.

Im Vergleich wird auch etwas Ant-"Code" gezeigt um Emma in sein Build einzubauen:

von: Ricky Clarkson
A necessary taskdef:

<taskdef resource="’emma_ant.properties’" classpathref="’build.classpath’/">

We modified our test target. This part goes at the top to decorate the bytecode:

<property name="”coverage.dir”" value="”${basedir}/coverage”/">
<mkdir dir="”${coverage.dir}”/">
<emma enabled="”${emma.enabled}”">
<instr instrpathref="”classes.path”" destdir="”${out.instr.dir}”" metadatafile="”${coverage.dir}/metadata.emma”" merge="”true”">
<filter excludes=”Test,Mock”/>

We added these within the junit call:

<jvmarg value="”-Demma.coverage.out.file=">

We added this at the end of the test target for cleanup:

<emma enabled="”${emma.enabled}”">
<report sourcepath="”${basedir}/src”">
<fileset dir="”${coverage.dir}”">
<include name="”*.emma”/">
<txt outfile="”${coverage.dir}/coverage.txt”/">

<delete dir="”${out.instr.dir}”/"></delete></report></emma>

And here’s another target that is used to turn emma on for testing:

<target name="”emma”" description="”turns">
<property name="”emma.enabled”" value="”true”/">
<property name="”out.instr.dir”" value="”${basedir}/outinstr”/">
<mkdir dir="”${out.instr.dir}”/">