After the current shoulder rig with it's accessories is finished,
I'd like to try something new and start a video-channel with howtos.
Content:The content will be mainly things I make but maybe I'll also do reports of cool events like the camps and congresses of the Chaos Computer Club.
Quality:I'll try to keep the quality up and the rate low.
With the video- and audio equipment I've build and gathered it should be possible.
I just don't know if I'll manage to actually pull this of.
I also don't know yet if I'll even be able to keep such a thing going.
Mission statement:I'm a fan of DIY videos but often their visual, audio and narrative quality is lacking.
That's what I'm trying to improve by example using a proper script, green screen, lighting, color correction and audio leveling.
So, visit

THE CHANNELand hope that it will have some first content in the following weeks.
update:(2011-04-12) added the youtube-channel to the right side of this blog.
I'm still waiting for the final audio equipment but a
draft of the introductory video is already done. (I'll redo all the talking when the audio equipment is here)