
First draft: 3d printed carbon tripod

On the train ride today I designed the very first sketch of a 3d printed tripod for heavy loads. It shall be made of CFK = carbon fiber. The rods seem to go for a sum of <100eur for 2x3 rods per leg. Way less then what even a light CFK tripod costs. And I have the option of adding mounts for sound recorder, microphones, cables, batteries,... directly into the design of the tripod. (e.g. sitting next to the fully extracted tripod on a chair and having the remote control on one of the legs.) A first search turned up 10x9x1000mm CFK tubes for 5,71eur (4,70eur). That would be 102,78eur(84,60eur) + some plastic, nuts and bolts for the entire tripod. (No head)

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