
The perfect multitool

I think I found the perfect multitool for me.

What I found I need are:
  • LED lamp
  • pliers
  • phillips #1 screwdriver
  • flat screwdriver
  • knife
  • sometimes a bottle opener (although Germans open bottles with just about everything...except bottle openers.)
  • wire strippers would be handy but not needed.
I like full sized multitools but they tend to stick out in an office environment, so I can't wear them all day (wich is kind of a point of having such a tool on your belt).
Instead I carry 3 tools:

The first thing I carry on my belt is a foldable and very tiny xacto-knife. Extremely tiny, extremely sharp and with a number of replacement blades inside. I think I'll keep that.
It's similar to this one except in color and name and that it comes with a tiny belt holster:

I had to ditch a small chinese tool at the airport, having forgotten to put it into the checked in luggage
(Not because of the knife...but because it had a screwdriver. Aparently airlines are afraid Germany Engineers can do just about anything given a screwdriver and duct tape.).
In San Francisco I got myself a Portland Coast  C2899.

I also carry a small 1xAAA flashlight but can't find a belt holster tiny enough for it.
The Coast was supposed to replace it because it already HAD a flashlight.
...only that it was way too weak, required a size of batteries you don't easily get in continental Europe and constantly empty because the button was accidentally pushed by just about anything in your pocket.
...and it didn't come with a belt holster.

Now I found something else.
A chinese dealer named Yuki Guan sells a RUISS RS1016A.
It doesn't show but he answered that it's also avaliable in black and it comes with a very sturdy belt holster.
It has the same, nice grip that the Portland Coast one has but the LED lamp is bigger and cannot be activated accidentally anymore.

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