(Most of the time it's not noticeable.)
For a microphone you usually counter this with a spider mount.
However such mounts seem to exist only for conventional microphones.
Not for field recorders.
Using the microphone-stand adapter of the H4n was no option as the high center of gravity only allows for stationary mounting of the recorder.
This is only the inner part.
Feel free to design outer parts according to where you mount the recorder to.
I'll do one for my shoulder rig one of these days.
Other options are e.g a mount for the tip of a sound-pole
or directly to a camera to get a small package.
I left access to the headphone-port open. The cable hitting things is not an issue. You need not worry about that.
Same for the access to the speaker on the lower side. So you can play your recording to the speaker/actor without dismounting the H4n.
I did design easy to access holes to reach the recording-level and playback-level. However these features are not included in the STL export.
This is because it makes the thing stronger and I strongly suggest to use
the RC04-remote for the H4n. Touching buttons on the device while recording would, after all, defy the purpose of this mounting.
* see this design on thingiverse
* the photo album of this project
* my notes in my personal wiki

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