Project history
- Evaluating my choices in back in February
- Decided on what ATC system to get in March. (posting contains MACH3 software references)
- The Usovo spindle and parts finally arrived in April
- Mounting spindle and cables in May
- Defining M06 tool change macro
- Next project: designing a chain link tool library
I managed to get my automated tool changer to work.
Due to a compressor failure and missing part to get the new compressor operational, this was delayed FOR A LONG TIME.
It was a few minuted before I had to leave, so sorry for the crappy cellphone video.
(Also the youtube "stabilize video" algorithm makes my feed drunk.)
It's also still in debugging mode with a very low feedrate and a "continue"/"abort" question at every step in case something doesn't fit.
I also haven't done any tool length probing yet.
The front side of the tool magazine is too low because it sits on a temporary mount for the 4th axis that I am about to replace with a thicker version machined from POM. However for that I need the ATC to work.
- This is based on this forum thread.
- and this one
First we need to place a new user-defined DRO "1212" on one of the screens. It holds the OLD TOOL. This can be done with the mach3screen.exe screen- editor.It is assigned at the end of the last M6End.m1s macro.
'M6 start macro with auto tool touch off
'Check all axes referenced If (GetOemLed(807) Or GetOemLed(808) Or GetOemLed(809)) Then Message(" Please Home Machine before Tool Change") 'Cycle Stop ' Button 3 - select Toolpath screen DoButton(3) Exit Sub End If '--------------- CONFIGURATION ' the X+y+z position of tool #0 is stored in DRO 1200, 1201, 1202 ' THESE USER-DEFINED DROS MUST BE DEFINED IN THE SCREEN SET ' distance of tools inside the magazine along the Y axis TOOLDISTANCE = 33.5 TOOLDISTANCE_Z = (33.5-36.5)/5 TOOLCHANGE_FEEDRATE = 150 ' safe absolute Z position SafeZ = 0 SafeX = 65 ' position of the tool height sensor (magazine must be open) THS_POS_X = 0 THS_POS_Y = 0 THS_POS_Z = 0 THS_PROBE_FEEDRATE = 5 ' Thickness of touch plate in the offset-screen PlateThickness = GetOEMDRO(1001) '--------------- CURRENT PARAMETERS TO RESTORE ' Save the current feedrate. CurrentFeed = GetOemDRO(818) ' Save current coordinate mode to restore it later oldCoordinateMode = GetOemLED(48) ' Set absolute coordinate mode and feedrate Code "G90 F" & TOOLCHANGE_FEEDRATE ' Save the current position ' WARNING, THESE DROS ARE DEPRECATED SINCE MACH3 1.90 CurrentPosX = GetDro(0) CurrentPosY = GetDro(1) CurrentPosZ = GetDro(2) '--------------- TOOL CHANGE tool = GetselectedTool() oldTool = GetCurrentTool() 'GetOEMDRO(1212) If oldTool = tool Then Answer = MsgBox("old tool and new tool are identical", 0 + 16 ) Exit Sub End If Answer = MsgBox("experimental tool change from tool " & oldTool & " to new tool " & tool, 0) DoSpinStop() ' use the user LED to store the state of coolant, ' so it can be restored in M6end.m1s If getoemled(13) Then 'OEM LED 13 = "Flood LED" thus coolant is on ' set user led on setuserled(1000,1) Code "M9" Else 'coolent is off ' set user led off setuserled(1000, 0) End If 'Get the tool change pos from the settings page ChangeX = 24 '=GetOEMDRO(1200) ChangeYold = 35 + (oldTool * TOOLDISTANCE) '=GetOEMDRO(1201) + (oldTool * TOOLDISTANCE) ChangeYnew = 35 + (Tool * TOOLDISTANCE) '=GetOEMDRO(1201) + (tool * TOOLDISTANCE) ChangeZold = -33 + (oldTool * TOOLDISTANCE_Z) '=GetOEMDRO(1202) ChangeZnew = -33 + (Tool * TOOLDISTANCE_Z) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving to Zsafe=" & SafeZ & " quickly", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' G53 = Move in absolute machine coordinate system Code("G00 G53 Z" & SafeZ) While IsMoving () Wend ' open magazine ActivateSignal(OUTPUT2) If CurrentPosX < SafeX Then '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "We are above the tool magazine, moving to SafeX=" & SafeX & " quickly" , 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed Response = MsgBox ( "Aborting" , 1 + 16 ) End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in Y Code("G00 G53 X" & Safex) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving to y_oldtool=" & ChangeYold & " quickly", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed Response = MsgBox ( "Aborting" , 1 + 16 ) End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in Y Code("G00 G53 Y" & ChangeYold) While IsMoving () Wend Else '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving to y_oldtool=" & ChangeYold & " quickly", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed Response = MsgBox ( "Aborting" , 1 + 16 ) End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in Y Code("G00 G53 Y" & ChangeYold) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving to SafeX=" & SafeX & " quickly", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed Response = MsgBox ( "Aborting" , 1 + 16 ) End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in X Code("G00 G53 X" & Safex) While IsMoving () Wend End If '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "Moving down to ChangeZold=" & ChangeZold & " quickly" , 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in Z Code("G00 G53 Z" & ChangeZold) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "Placing tool in X=" & ChangeX & " slowly" , 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in X Code("G01 G53 X" & ChangeX & " F" & TOOLCHANGE_FEEDRATE) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "releasing the old tool" , 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' release the old tool ActivateSignal(OUTPUT1) '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving up to SafeZ slowly" , 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' move up Code("G01 G53 Z" & SafeZ & " F" & TOOLCHANGE_FEEDRATE) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving over to y=" & ChangeYnew & " quick", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position in Y Code("G00 G53 Y" & ChangeYnew) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "lowering to Znew" & ChangeZnew & " slowly", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' move up Code("G01 G53 Z" & ChangeZnew & " F" & TOOLCHANGE_FEEDRATE) While IsMoving () Wend '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "grabbing the new tool" , 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' release the old tool DeActivateSignal(OUTPUT1) '===== DEBUG==== Response = MsgBox ( "moving to SafeX=" & SafeX & " slowly", 1 ) If Response = 2 Then ' Cancel pressed End End If '===== DEBUG==== ' carry the tool out Code("G01 G53 X" & SafeX & " F" & TOOLCHANGE_FEEDRATE) While IsMoving () Wend '--------------- TOOL HEIGHT PROBE Response = MsgBox ( "Would you like to set your Z height automatically? If so, click OK", 1 ) If Response = 1 Then ' TODO THIS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED YET ' go to tool height sensor position Code "G00 G53 X" & THS_POS_X & "Y" & THS_POS_Y While IsMoving () Wend While GetOemLed (825)=0 Message ("(Z-Plate is grounded, check connection and dismiss this dialog)") Wend Code "G31 Z-5 F" & THS_PROBE_FEEDRATE While IsMoving() Wend 'dwell for 0.25 seconds Sleep(250) ZProbePos = GetVar(2002) 'Go back to touch position (G31 backs off after touch) Code "G0 Z" & ZProbePos While IsMoving () Wend 'Set Z axis position DRO to touch plate thickness ' WARNING, THIS DRO IS DEPRECATED SINCE MACH3 1.90 Call SetDro (2, PlateThickness) 'Pause 0.5 seconds for Dro to update. Sleep(500) ' go up again Code "G00 G53 Z" & SafeZ While IsMoving () Wend Code "(Z axis is now zeroed)" ' restore the original feedrate Code "F" & CurrentFeed End If SetCurrentTool( tool ) ' close magazine DeActivateSignal(OUTPUT1) '--------------- RESTORE ORIGINAL PARAMETERS ' Reset coordinate mode to original value If AbsMode = 0 Then Code("G91") End If '===== DEBUG==== 'Response = MsgBox ( "moving to back to " & CurrentPosX & " - " & CurrentPosY &" , then Z=" & CurrentPosZ , 1 ) 'If Response = 0 Then ' Cancel pressed ' End 'End If '===== DEBUG==== ' go to old tool position 'Code("G00 G53 X" & CurrentPosX & "Y" & CurrentPosY) 'While IsMoving () 'Wend ' go to old tool position 'Code("G00 G53 Z" & CurrentPosZ) 'While IsMoving () 'Wend ' Reset feedrate to original value Code("F" & CurrentFeed)
tool = GetDRO(24) oldTool = GetOEMDRO(1212) ' check user led If getuserled(1000) Then 'coolant was on Code "M8" End If If (oldTool <> tool) Then SetOEMDRO(1212, tool) End If
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