I planned to sell by ToM and get an Ultimaker. But now the quote from Jetguy made me think about it's bowden concept:
"I've had the vision of creating a fast bot. I've gone the bowden route
in a real Ultimaker frame. The results were less than stellar and
there is a reason why I've abandoned it. It frequently jams or chews
the filament. It is was very dificult to tune any kind of anti-ooze or
stringing and never met my expectations."
While of cause the major plus for a bowden design is the limited mass to be moved and thus the speeds and mechanical stress.
Here is the quote from Jetguy about a possible upgrade path for me:
And, as far as bots go, If I had a T-O-M and was shopping for upgrades, you could get someone to cut this frame in plywood for less than $100 (1 sheet of 1/4 inch plywood), then you only need about $100 in parts (8 each LM8UUs 8*$1.75, a smooth rod kit for a mendel $30, 2 5.5kg.cm torque motors 2*$20, 2 608 skate bearings, the Cupcake Y belt, 3 Cupcake Z belts, the 5 36t Gt2 *mm bore pulleys, and finally, a Reprap heated bed. I also used a 360watt 12 volt supply but you could use a PC supply mounted on the back. I call this the ultimate T- O-M upgrade. ...
No need to spend thousands on a new bot, upgrade what you have into a new frame. There were lots of good things about the T-O-M, but now with Sailfish, you can take advantage of a larger build area and different frame for peenies on the dollar compared to buying a new machine.
I'll post every single edited DXF and part up on Thingiverse soon.
I basically gave the BOM above. If I had a T-O-M, this is going to be
a stellar upgrade for those willing to take the leap!!!!
Let's see...
- Cut the plywood myself on my CNC
- I already have LM8UUs and 608 skateboard bearings en masse
- I already have a Reprap heated bed (I wanted to use it on my Repman)
- get two heavy NEMA17 stepper motors
- add *good* smooth rods (consistent diameter, straight)
- add a Cupcake Y belt and 3 Z belts (where to source them?)
- add 5 pulleys (source?)
- a >=360W PC power supply should be easy.
- finally: do my own Reprap-sized ABP design with leveling and tightening adjustment bolts.
- Staying on the Thing-O-Matic and just designing a better ABP is less work
- Less that can go wrong.
- The larger build volume is intriguing.
- I already have many of the parts
- Extruder, Hotend, Firmware and host-software won't be touched.
- When designing my own ABP anyway, I can build a Reprap sized heated titanium conveyor belt.
- Update: I found collapsible Type A!!! (The space in the upper part could be designed to hole a spool of PLA when collapsed.)
Sounds possible.
Thinking about it....I think I can design a modified Type A case where
- In the Z=max position, the Z-spindle and smooth Z rods can be collapsed into the horizontal plane.
- The 4 edges can be collapsed down
- The build-surface has a hole for the extruder in the back-left corner
- So in the end everything can be collapsed to be as high as the height below the build surface plus the height of the Y-stage.
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- DXF design files for the laser cut parts
- original design files (Creo Elements / Direct Modelling Express)
- Award by Make Magazine
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