Da mein 3d-Drucker gerade wieder mal kaputt ist. (Neuer Thermistor kommt in 1-2 Wochen)
Habe ich endlich mal wieder an jGnucashLib weiter gemacht.
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This blog contains the daily technical endeavours of a freelancing software-designer.
Repman: extrusion-problem identified
Lately I had some problems keeping the extrusion-rate up.
It would oszilate widely.
I just found the cause.

Now it´s just a matter of drilling the PTFE to it´s former diameter, making it flat again and turning it around.
2 New hot-ends will be on their way shortly anyway and I´m trying to get my hands
on some machined PTFE-tubes that could work better.
It would oszilate widely.
I just found the cause.

Now it´s just a matter of drilling the PTFE to it´s former diameter, making it flat again and turning it around.
2 New hot-ends will be on their way shortly anyway and I´m trying to get my hands
on some machined PTFE-tubes that could work better.
3d printer - heated bed version 2.5
An Open-Source Scanning Tunneling Microscope
An Open-Source Scanning Tunneling Microscope: "
Yesterday I ran into Jochen Klingelhoefer of Lab Minds. He introduced me to the SXM Project - a project to distribute an open-source scanning tunneling microscope (already working) and a scanning force microscope (under development).
How cool is that? Many of the parts are eminently reprappable too.
For details follow this link.
Just to whet your appetite, here is a picture of a 4 nm square area on the surface of a piece of graphite made with the microscope:

Note the atoms...
An Open-Source Scanning Tunneling Microscope: "

Yesterday I ran into Jochen Klingelhoefer of Lab Minds. He introduced me to the SXM Project - a project to distribute an open-source scanning tunneling microscope (already working) and a scanning force microscope (under development).
How cool is that? Many of the parts are eminently reprappable too.
For details follow this link.
Just to whet your appetite, here is a picture of a 4 nm square area on the surface of a piece of graphite made with the microscope:

Note the atoms...
Feuerzement abgebrochen
Look ma, no raft!

After work I did a seconds test of my heated print bed (70°C on kapton tape).
It works MUCH better then printing on copper directly and I needed no raft.
The bed is made from off-the-shelf components with the only solderig required
being to join 2 cables and to get 2 other cables onto a connector.
I´ll post a howto later these days.
RepMan: beheiztes Druckbett

Erster Test des beheizten Druck-Bettes: ABS haftet auf Kupfer bei 65°C genauso schlecht wie auf Aluminium.
Nächster Test: Oberfläche mit Sandpapier aufrauen. (Funktioniert bei zu glattem Plexiglas auch)
Notfallplan: Kapton-Tape geht immer.
Die Diskussion.
Das absolute Limit
ok, es hat mich die ganze Nacht wach gehalten aber ich habs!!!
Das absolute Limit was mein 3D-Drucker schaft ausgereizt.
Limitiert durch die Heizleistung des 40W-Arbeitskopfes, den Schmelzpunkt des ABS und die maximal 200U/min des Schrittmotors im Arbeitskopf.
86mm/s drucken und 120mm/s bewegen ohne zu drucken.
Mehr geht einfach nicht mit diesem Heizelement.
Hier die Details
Das absolute Limit was mein 3D-Drucker schaft ausgereizt.
Limitiert durch die Heizleistung des 40W-Arbeitskopfes, den Schmelzpunkt des ABS und die maximal 200U/min des Schrittmotors im Arbeitskopf.
86mm/s drucken und 120mm/s bewegen ohne zu drucken.
Mehr geht einfach nicht mit diesem Heizelement.
Hier die Details

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