This morning I received the signed version of my plugin and put it in the market.
There are still issues with the hmac, so no syncing anything back to the server yet. But thanks to an updated SDK 5 for DolphinHD (thanks guys) I was able to implement oneway-syncing of bookmarks now.
You can also individually switch on and off syncing of passwords and bookmarks how and there is a help-page for the users (monolingual English at the moment).
This blog contains the daily technical endeavours of a freelancing software-designer.
(EN) fist expeciences with Android Market Licensing
This morning I released 2.4.0 of my
Send to Dropbox app (send files from an Android phone to a folder in one or many Dropbox accouts).
Apart from new features I added Android Market Licensing instead of Copy Protection to this one.
* it's easy to implement
* it's hard to obfuscate against cracking
* it is absolutely limited to the Google Android Market
* No cross-licensing (buy the expensive app, get the cheap one for free) or other checking of the license-status of other apps supported.
* Be careful are the example-code uses the Base64-class that required API Level 8
Send to Dropbox app (send files from an Android phone to a folder in one or many Dropbox accouts).
Apart from new features I added Android Market Licensing instead of Copy Protection to this one.
* it's easy to implement
* it's hard to obfuscate against cracking
* it is absolutely limited to the Google Android Market
* No cross-licensing (buy the expensive app, get the cheap one for free) or other checking of the license-status of other apps supported.
* Be careful are the example-code uses the Base64-class that required API Level 8
(EN) DolphinHD plugin for Mozilla Weave in Android Market

Version 1.1 of my DolphiHD plugin to import tabs and passwords from Mozilla Weave/Firefox Sync to DolphinHD has been signed and released to the Android Market.
I hope lots of people submit bug reports.

(EN) Syncing passwords from Firefox to Dolphin HD
Good news everyone!
Oneway-syncing of passwords from Mozilla Weave/Firefox Sync to Dolphin HD has now been implemented in my DolphinHD plugin for Android.
See the wiki for details
I found a way to circumvent android.webkit.WebViewDatabase .
Even as they haven't signed version 1 yet, version 1.1 will find it's way to Dolphin for signing soon.
(Well, okay. Version 1 was done yesterday. Can't expect them keep up with me.)
Oneway-syncing of passwords from Mozilla Weave/Firefox Sync to Dolphin HD has now been implemented in my DolphinHD plugin for Android.
See the wiki for details
I found a way to circumvent android.webkit.WebViewDatabase .
Even as they haven't signed version 1 yet, version 1.1 will find it's way to Dolphin for signing soon.
(Well, okay. Version 1 was done yesterday. Can't expect them keep up with me.)
(EN) Mozilla Weave / Firefox Sync for Dolphin HD

This morning I got a fixed version of the unsigned Dolphin HD.
(The one in the SDK contained a bug that prevented all development.)
This night I finished version 1. It only allows "open tab from other computers".
Later versions will add more features. Version 1 is currently with Dolphin support
to be signed. Then it can be released on the market.
See also: my earlier entry about my Firefox Sync - standalone app
(DE) Referenzen aktualisiert
Heute mal die Referenzen-Seite auf meiner Homepage unter
auf eine Google Docs -Tabelle umgestellt.
Das sollte den Pflegeaufwand deutlich reduzieren.
auf eine Google Docs -Tabelle umgestellt.
Das sollte den Pflegeaufwand deutlich reduzieren.
K9 - multiple mails as SPAM
This morning I filed
K9 issue 2682
to allow marking multiple mails as spam (and not just delete them).
This missing feature has bugged me for quite a while now and I finally wrote a patch,
submitted it and (being a K9 developer) committed it to trunk for the next release.
The icon for "Spam" is a trash can with a large S on it.
K9 issue 2682
to allow marking multiple mails as spam (and not just delete them).
This missing feature has bugged me for quite a while now and I finally wrote a patch,
submitted it and (being a K9 developer) committed it to trunk for the next release.
The icon for "Spam" is a trash can with a large S on it.
(EN) Mozilla Weave / Firefox Sync in android app
My new app is taking shape.
and the free (as in beer)
* save the last username for the connection to the Firefox Sync/Mozilla Weave -Servers.
* open URLs from tabs and bookmarks
* copy passwords and usernames into the clipboard.
(EN) Mozilla Weave / Firefox Sync in Java
Good news everyone!
My read-only implementation of the Firefox sync -protocol was finally able to decrypt some stored passwords.
Turns out I was doing the password->AES -key generation with 1024 instead of 4196 rounds and the wrong key-length all the time.
Next stop: an small Android app to look up stored passwords.
My read-only implementation of the Firefox sync -protocol was finally able to decrypt some stored passwords.
Turns out I was doing the password->AES -key generation with 1024 instead of 4196 rounds and the wrong key-length all the time.
Next stop: an small Android app to look up stored passwords.
Merke: Skydrivesync scheint zwar nicht zu funktionieren aber email-publishing zu Skydrive funktioniert wenn man beliebige Dateien vorher ein .jpg an den Namen anfügt.
Android K9 mail on SD
Great news everyonw!
My branch for issue 888 "Store mail on sd-card" of the K9 mailer for Android is now merged into the trunk of K9 and a part of release 3.311 and 3.312.
Finally a project of mine gets closed for good and in a good way. :)
My branch for issue 888 "Store mail on sd-card" of the K9 mailer for Android is now merged into the trunk of K9 and a part of release 3.311 and 3.312.
Finally a project of mine gets closed for good and in a good way. :)
Sync Firefox for Android und Firefox 4 beta 6
Firefox for Android Beta 2 benutzt schon ein neueres Storage-Format was erst mit Firefox 4 Beta 7 rauskommen wird.
Deshalb bekommt man "Upgrade required to access newer storage version." in jedem der Desktop-Firefox.
Die kommente Beta 7 wird das Problem lösen. Ist aber noch nicht verfügbar.
Die Nightly Build löst das Problem bereits.
Firefox for Android Beta 2 benutzt schon ein neueres Storage-Format was erst mit Firefox 4 Beta 7 rauskommen wird.
Deshalb bekommt man "Upgrade required to access newer storage version." in jedem der Desktop-Firefox.
Die kommente Beta 7 wird das Problem lösen. Ist aber noch nicht verfügbar.
Die Nightly Build löst das Problem bereits.
(EN.DE) Writing DolphinHD plugins - start of Firefox Sync for DolphinHD
I just got the plugin-SDK for DolphinHD for Android.
I'll try to implement Firefox Sync for this browser as a plugin one of these days.
Habe gerade per Mail das Plugin-SDK für DolphinHD für Android bekommen und werde die Tage mich mal an Firefox Sync probieren.
I just got the plugin-SDK for DolphinHD for Android.
I'll try to implement Firefox Sync for this browser as a plugin one of these days.
Habe gerade per Mail das Plugin-SDK für DolphinHD für Android bekommen und werde die Tage mich mal an Firefox Sync probieren.
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