As glue-stick I have used the triangular Teasy EasyStick so far and they worked great.
However now the winter is gone and I had to move the printer to another city.
It's not as cool and the room is much smaller.
ambient temperatures are rising above 23°C at 50° humidity indoors with
a 75°C or 60°C heated bed and nearly no air flow in the tiny room and
the glue stick completely evaporates within 10-30 seconds.
either doesn't stick (if applied too early) or objects curl up and
detach from the glass (if applied right before the print starts).
European household brand of glue stick works in high temperatures?
(Sorry, no Elmer's Invisible Glue on the right side of the pond.)
I don't have wood glue in the house but I'll try to get some and mix it with water to try.
don't like to apply hair spray directly and the brand I tried doesn't
work when applied to a piece of paper and then rubbed onto the glass.
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