
'roast only' on the Bonaverde - Rodolfo Ruffatti

Project history

  1. old posting: Trying 'roast only' on the Bonaverde again
  2. current posting
  3. next posting: 'roast only' on the Bonaverde - Aldo Parducci

This time I tried
Bean Type:  Burbon Rojo
Grown by Rodolfo Ruffatti
of El Salvador

This is one of the larger bean packs I got from the first coffee delivery  for my Bonaverde Berlin roast+grind+brew coffee machine.

Results I

I used "roast only" in the alpha version of the "Coffee Concierge" Facebook Messenger Chat bot on Saturday.
Now it is Tuesday.

Update: I did NOT use a water filter yet. See 'roast only' on the Bonaverde - Aldo Parducci for the results when I added one.
Update: See Coffee with bottled water for later experiments with water that resulted in much better coffee.

I did NOT use the roasting profile for these beans because for "roast only" I can still only use a generic default-profile. 

 Again I used my Hario Skerton manual coffee grinder at the finest setting (dust).


The espresso had slightly cold water this time. The IR-Thermometer meassured only 65°C but I believe that meassurement was in error as the water came fresh out of the coffee machine.
Again I used a Handpresso.
....the espresso was amazing. Perfectly mild and tasty. Not a hint of sourness or bitterness at all.

filter coffee

The filter coffee using the off-the-shelf Krups coffee machine was good.
Not as perfect as the espresso but a real good cup of coffee.
Absolutely no comparison to the "Almond" beans I tried yesterday.

Results II

This time I used a water filter.
I did NOT use the roasting profile for these beans because for "roast only" I can still only use a generic default-profile.

filter coffee 

I tried 42g of beans that I had roasted and then put in a sealed, dark plastic bag with no air in it (aside from the CO2 that the beans release themself) at slightly below room temperature.
It was...slightly sub-par. Too sour for my taste.

Then I tried 42g of beans roasted the night before and left in the roasting chamber to be ground and brewed the next morning.
It was terrible. Completely sour.


Results III

 For comparison I did a roast-grind-brew cycle with no time for releasing CO2 between roasting and grinding.
This time I used a water filter.
I did use the roasting profile for these beans.

filter coffee 

Well.... as long as it's hot it is only a bit sour and leaves a sour after-taste. That taste clouds everything else.
As soon as it started to cool down even a tiny bit it gets real sour.


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