
Using RFIDler on Windows

I just borrowed an RFIDler and am trying to get it to work on Windows to read the content of some NFC cards.

Because this information was hard to pull together, here is what I found:

Firmware update on Windows

You can get mphidflash.exe from here:

You can get the latest firmware from here:
Currently it is 0203-beta (debug)

The command line simply is:
mphidflash-1.6-bin\binaries\mphidflash-1.6-win-32.exe -r -w RFIDler\RFIDler.X.production.hex

Reading cards

Positioning the cards seems to be hard.
I did not get it to work yet but it should be:

Open Putty
Open a serial connection with 115200bps 8n1 no flow control.
type enter to enter CLI mode.

should identify the type of card.

set tag  
sets the type of card

now provides information reat from the card.

source:  https://www.scip.ch/?labs.20151022

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